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Treatment of stage I-III periodontitis The EFP S3-level clinical practice guideline


    Treatment of stage I-III periodontitis
    The EFP S3-level clinical practice guideline


    Where does the need for this guideline come from?

    • Implementation of the new classification of periodontitis should facilitate
    the use of appropriate preventive and therapeutic interventions, depending
    on the stage and grade of the disease. The application of this S3-level clinical
    practice guideline will allow a homogeneous and evidence-based approach to
    the management of stage I–III periodontitis.
    What do patients need to know?
    • An essential prerequisite to therapy is to inform the patient of the diagnosis,
    including causes of the condition, risk factors, treatment alternatives and
    expected risks and benefits including explanations regarding consequences of
    refused treatment.
    • This discussion should be followed by agreement on a personalized care plan.
    • The plan might need to be modified during the treatment journey, depending
    on patient preferences, clinical findings and changes to overall health.

    How do we interpret these infographics?

    Blue colour: Recommendations in favor of a particular
    strategy of treatment or specific procedure

    Orange colour: Open recommendation in which the
    clinician is responsible for the final choice
    of a particular strategy of treatment or
    specific procedure based on specific patient
    Uncertain recommendation for whose
    clarification further research is needed.

    Red colour: Recommendations against a particular
    strategy of treatment or specific procedure.