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Election of the new President, Vice President and Board of Geoperio

    On February 28, 2021, the election of the new President, Vice President and Board of Geoperio was held.

    The first and distinguished President of the Georgian association of Periodontology, Dr. Lali Kochiashvili, handed over the title of President to the unusually energetic and hardworking former Vice-President, Tatia Rokhvadze.

    The new president introduced the vice-president – Tatia Kochladze and a new board was elected by the members of the old one.

    Also, the presentation of the new project Perio & Cardio by EFP and the World Heart Federation took place. (Project manager: Ana Tavartkiladze). ️

    Georgian association of Periodontology thanks Dr. Lali Kochiashvili for the best years and wishes success to the new president and the whole team.